2025 02,23 14:13 |
2012 12,01 14:00 |
Puetz Window(ピッツ・ウィンドウ) Several years back, a cycle watcher named Steve Puetz attempted to see if eclipses and market crashes were somehow related. He studied eight of the greatest crashes in financial history, from the Holland Tulip Mania of 1637 to the Nikkei of 1990. He found that market crashes tend to occur near full moons, and that the greatest number of crashes start after the first full moon after a solar eclipse, when that full moon is also a lunar eclipse. Puetz found that all eight crashes occurred six days before to three days after a full moon that occurred within six weeks of a solar eclipse. The odds of that being a coincidence, Puetz calculated, are less than 1 in 127,000.
Puetz was not saying that so-called "Puetz windows" always lead to crashes, but that if a crash is going to occur, a Puetz window would be the likely time frame in which it would happen. Puetz windows tend to occur every year or two, while crashes are rare events.
所謂(いわゆる)「ピッツ・ウィンドウ」が常に暴落に繋がる訳では無いとピッツは述べていたが、暴落が発生する時には、ピッツ・ウィンドウの時間枠の中でそれが起きる確率が高いのである。 暴落が滅多に起きない出来事である一方、ピッツ・ウィンドウは毎年又は2年に一度生じるのである。
NY株式市場では9月から続いていた下落基調が10月中旬から反転したのですが、どうも Puetz の予測と非常に似ている様に思えるのです。 興味のある方は、"つづきはこちらです"をクリック!
・・・で、満月ののち、トレンドが変わり始めましたね。 PR |
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