2025 03,10 12:08 |
2010 07,07 15:00 |
China's property market braced for 30pc drop China's property market braced for 30pc drop Standard Chartered has told clients to prepare for a fall in property prices of up to 30pc in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzen, and other large cities in China as the delayed effects of monetary tightening begin to bite. スタンダード・チャータードはクライアントに対し、金融引き締めの影響がタイムラグを経て本格化し、不動産価格が北京、上海、シンセンなどの大都市で最大30%下落する事態に備えるよう告げた。 興味のある方は、"つづきはこちらです"をクリック!
Stephen Green, the bank's China economist, said a glut of newly built homes were hitting the market just as buyers are restrained by higher down-payments and curbs on speculation. "We believe developers will be forced to cut prices," he said. スタンダード・チャータードのチャイナ・エコノミスト、スティーヴン・グリーン氏は、頭金の上昇と投機の減少によってバイヤーが抑制されている時に、新築住宅が市場に雪崩れ込んだと言う。 Kenneth Rogoff, ex-chief economist for the IMF, told Bloomberg Television in Hong Kong that the denouement could prove abrupt after such a torrid boom. "You're starting to see that collapse in property and it's going to hit the banking system," he said. 元IMFチーフ・エコノミスト、ケネス・ロゴフ教授は、香港のブルームバーグ・テレビに、あれほど猛烈なブームの後にこの結末は唐突かもしれないと語った。 The government is trying to deflate the housing market gently, mostly using tools known as "financial repression" rather than Western style rate rises. Xu Shaoshi, land minister, said sales are already dropping. "In another quarter's time or so, the property market will probably come to a full correction and prices will fall. It's hard to say to what extent they will fall," he said. 中国政府は、欧米スタイルの利上げよりも、「金融的抑圧」として知られるツールを主に利用して、穏やかに住宅市場を抑制しようとしている。 At the same time, China is shifting its foreign reserve strategy, rotating out of Europe and into Japanese government bonds (JGBs). Japan's finance ministry said China bought $6bn (£3.9bn) of bonds from January to April, a record pace of accumulation. 同時に、中国は外貨準備戦略をヨーロッパの国債から日本の国債へとシフトしつつある。 Analysts say Beijing is hunting for fresh places to park its reserves after losing confidence in eurozone debt. It already holds around 70pc in dollars, a level deemed too high by many in Beijing. China's move helps explain the fall in yields on 10-year JGBs to just 1.06 pc last week, and why the yen has appreciated to \87 to the dollar -- nearing levels last seen in 1995. アナリストは、中国政府はユーロ債への信頼を喪失した後、外貨準備の新たな運用先を探していると語る。 China views soaring house prices as a threat to social stability, since workers are shut out of the market. The price-to-earnings ratio is 13 in Beijing and Shanghai, four times Western levels. 労働者が住宅市場から締め出されてしまうので、中国は住宅価格の急騰を社会的安定への脅威だと考えている。 Charles Dumas from Lombard Street Research said China's boom had been driven by its fiscal stimulus of 13pc of GDP, the largest ever by major country in such a short period. The boost was concentrated in 2009, with credit growth running at 25pc of GDP. ロンバード・ストリート・リサーチのチャールズ・デュマ氏によれば、 "The Chinese had nowhere to put their savings since real interest rates were negative and capital controls stopped them investing abroad, so they bought apartments," he said. 「中国人には他に貯金のやり場がない。実質金利がマイナスだった上に、資本規制で海外投資が出来なかったので、中国人はアパートを買っていた」 Wealthier families often hold three, four, or more properties as a hard asset to store wealth, leaving many vacant. This has disguised the scale of excess inventory. It is unclear what will happen if there is the same sort of investor flight seen already on the Shanghai bourse, which is down 55pc from its peak. 富裕層は、富を保管するための有形資産として3軒を超える物件を保有していることも多く、これらの物件の多くは空き家のままだ。 PR |
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