2025 02,23 21:55 |
2008 12,29 23:25 |
Seafarers will be free to boycott voyages to South Korea amid growing concern over the jailing of senior officers from the oil tanker involved in the country’s worst oil spill, leading shipping organisations have said. Jasprit Chawla, master of the Hebei Spirit, was jailed on December 10 for 18 months and Syam Chetan, the chief officer, for eight months. Their vessel, which had been sitting at anchor, spilt 10,800 tonnes of crude oil into the Yellow Sea off Daesan on December 7 2007 after being hit by an out-of-control barge. Any widespread boycott could pose serious problems for South Korea, which relies on ships to supply oil, gas and coal to meet nearly all its energy needs. The pair’s case is the latest in a series worldwide to have caused concern about seafarers’ treatment by courts. Many involved believe coastal states’ authorities find it easier to blame pollution and other effects of accidents on foreign seafarers than on local companies or officials who may have been at fault. The SHI barge hit the Hebei Spirit after breaking its tow line to one of two tugs manoeuvring it in bad weather. As it was repeatedly blown against the oil tanker, which lacked the double-skinned hull of more modern vessels, the barge ruptured three of the Hebei Spirit’s five tanks. Compensation claims from local fishermen, fish farms and others affected are likely to reach several billion dollars. The original trial in June exonerated the officers, who are both Indian, and jailed the tug operators. However, the officers were refused permission to leave South Korea and the appeal court convicted them largely on the basis of a widely criticised official report which found they should have done more to avoid the collision. The International Transport Workers’ Federation said the ruling was “incomprehensibly vindictive”. Indian trade unions have called for boycotts of South Korean goods and there have been suggestions that mariners avoid the country because of the risks. Intermanager, an international organisation of ship managers, said it would not stand in the way of crew who refused to sail to South Korea. Peter Swift, managing director of Intertanko, a trade body for tanker owners, said his organisation would take the same stance. “If ships’ staff opt not to sail to Korea until we get some improvement in the situation, they should not be victimised,” he said. South Korean authorities have yet to respond to the disquiet. 興味のある方は、"つづきはこちらです"をクリック!
世界の主要船員組合 韓国向け航海をボィコット 主要船主もこれを容認-英FT 大田(テジョン)地方裁判所は去る10日開かれた泰安近海油流出事故関連控訴審で1審の時無罪を宣告されたホベイスピリット号船長チャウルラシと航海士ふるい(受ける)乗った種に対して各々金庫1年6月と8月を宣告して法廷拘束した。 ホベイスピリット号は昨年12月7日泰安(テアン)近海に停泊していて三星重工業の 海上クレーン 浮選と あたりながら,1万2千547kl(1千900M/T)の原油を海上に流出させて,韓国史上最悪の海洋汚染事故を起こした。 ボイコットが広がるならばほとんどすべてのエネルギー需要を船舶によって供給される原油とガスと石炭に 依存する韓国に深刻な問題を招くようになると新聞は話した。 主要海運団体らがボイコットに加担することにした理由は多くの沿岸国家が海上事故に 世界運送労働者連合(International Transport Workers' Federation)は二人の船員に対する判決が "理解できなく悪意的"という反応を見せたし,インド労働組合らは韓国産物品に対して不買運動をして, 船員らが韓国停泊を拒否することに決議した。 国際的な船主組織人インターマネジャーは韓国で運航を拒否する船員らを邪魔しないと ─…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─…──…─…─…─ ・・・って事で、どういう事かというと、 簡単にいえばその通りです。 港湾の管理者はタグボートに警告したけど、無線にだれもでなかった。 韓国側の裁判の結果 だからタンカーが悪い。居残りの船長と船員を禁固刑
InternationalShipManagers'Association さらっと読んでみたが、このまま禁固刑を執行したら、 PR |
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