2025 02,25 07:37 |
2008 05,06 12:00 |
ゆえに兵は詐(さ)をもって立ち、利をもって動き、分合(ぶんごう)をもって変をなすものなり。ゆえにその疾(はや)きこと風のごとく、その徐(しず)かなること林のごとく、侵掠(しんりゃく)すること火のごとく、動かざること山のごとく、知り難きこと陰(いん)のごとく、動くこと雷震(らいしん)のごとし。郷(きょう)を掠(かす)むるには衆を分かち、地を廓(ひろ)むるには利を分かち、権を懸(か)けて動く。迂直(うちょく)の計(けい)を先知(せんち)する者は勝つ。これ軍争(ぐんそう)の法(ほう)なり。 Thus, war is based on who applies deception best. Move when there is advantages. Create changes in situations through the dispersion and concentration of forces. Thus, when in movement, be as swift as the wind. When in slow marches, be as majestic as the forest. When raiding, be as ferocious as the fire. When not in movement, be as steady as the mountains. When in concealment, be as inscrutable as the darkness. When attacking, be as overwhelming as the roar of thunder and merciless as the strike of lightning. When looting and plundering the villages, share the bounty with the troops. When occupying conquered territories, share the gains. Consider and deliberate carefully before deciding on any action. Those who can master beforehand the skill of using the indirect and direct approaches, strategies and schemes will win. Such is the art of maneuvering military forces. PR |
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