2025 03,14 01:16 |
2008 04,12 19:00 |
Ronald Weinland My wife and I, as well as Johnny and Myrtle Harrell, will be visiting Israel from April 14th through April 21st. We will be in Jerusalem on April 17th which is the day the First Trumpet of the Seventh Seal sounds. The process of all that will occur, with the sounding of the First Trumpet, will begin on April 17th and continue to increase in destructive power (consequences) for the following seven weeks. The Second Trumpet will not sound until after the Day of Pentecost. This does not mean it is near that date, but it means it cannot happen until after that day. The actual beginning of the specific job God has for His two end-time witnesses (two end-time prophets) begins to unfold on April 17th. As I have already stated, I am one of those witnesses and the spokesman of both. While in Israel, I plan to reveal publicly the identity of the second witness in the sermon to be given on the Sabbath of April 19th from Jerusalem. 大意で、 (予言ではなく預言ね、アシカラズ、) 第七の封印とは、黙示録8章にでてくる、 子羊が第七の封印を解いた時、半時間ばかり天に静けさがあった。それからわたしは、神のみまえに立っている七人のみ使いを見た。そして七つのラッパが彼らに与えられた。(黙示 8:1~2)
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