2025 03,27 11:08 |
2012 08,26 14:00 |
The Next One Will Be The Big One (次のはデカいよ) Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog 15 August 2012 http://usawatchdog.com/prepare-for-us-and-euro-financial-collapse-the-next-one-will-be-the-big-one/ I don’t see how anyone could say the financial system is stable. The facts say it is anything but well-balanced and steady. The Western world is in crisis with Europe leading the way over the financial cliff. Pick a country in the EU. France, Greece, Spain or Italy are all capable of causing the next financial panic. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard or read the word “collapse” in reporting on this spiraling financial crisis. On Monday, German media giant Der Spiegel ran a headline that read “Investors Prepare for Euro Collapse.” The story said, “Banks, companies and investors are preparing themselves for a collapse of the euro. Cross-border bank lending is falling, asset managers are shunning Europe and money is flowing into German real estate and bonds. The euro remains stable against the dollar because America has debt problems too. But unlike the euro, the dollar’s structure isn’t in doubt.” (Click here for the complete Der Spiegel post.) If the Euro goes down, the dollar will follow probably after a short spike. This is just one of many recent examples of the fragility of the financial system. 興味のある方は、"つづきはこちらです"をクリック!
The Next One Will Be The Big One
ブラック教授は語る、「私達は災害を迎える為に毎日サイコロを転がしているのです。」 一言で表すと、次に来るのは大きなものであり、それは警告を伴うこと無く何時でも起こり得るのだ。
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