2025 01,18 20:09 |
2012 06,03 12:00 |
今日の覚書、集めてみました 2012-06-01 18:58:45 http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kitaryunosuke/e/9e7d80f78cf57f66242e5f129c069893 Break up is trendy but what happens if the euro manages to survive? (崩壊が流行らしいのですが、ユーロがなんとか生き延びちゃったらどうなるの?) By Damian Reece, Head of Business Telegraph Blog: 9:18PM BST 31 May 2012 Suddenly it's fashionable to believe the eurozone is about to break up. Even six months ago that was thinking the unthinkable. Since when did we swivel-eyed, eurosceptic cranks become trendy? ユーロ圏は崩壊しそうだと考えることが、突如として流行になりました。僅か6ヶ月前には、そんなことは想像もつかなかったことです。いつから僕らのような斜に構えた欧州統合懐疑派がトレンディになったんでしょうか? The equity market seems to be thinking it. The bond market certainly is. The International Monetary Fund is preparing for it, and voters across bits of Europe are returning politicians who will cause it.
But stop. 興味のある方は、"つづきはこちらです"をクリック!
But stop. What happens if the euro hangs together? If the Greeks return the right parties in mid-June, the €1 trillion firewall is erected come July and Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel agree soothing words over growth, then surely the markets will rejoice. We could be looking at the mother of all rallies. With the FTSE 100 within a 4pc fall of the 5,000 level is it time to pile in? No.
しかしちょっと待ってほしい。 A euro that stays together is the most bearish outcome for markets. There might be a short-lived relief rally but the problem of recession would remain. Saving the euro currency does not save the euro economy.
崩壊しないユーロこそ、マーケットにとって一番ベア的な結末なのです。 The most bullish outcome, however, would be if Spain, Ireland, Greece, Portugal and maybe Italy, broke free (with a combined GDP to rival Germany). They would enjoy an immediate 30pc cost advantage thanks to devaluation, which would jump start growth.
しかしながら、最もブル的な結末は、スペイン、アイルランド、ギリシャ、ポルトガル、そして恐らくイタリアが(5カ国合わせてドイツに匹敵するGDP規模を備えて)ユーロを離脱するというものでしょう。 The short-term shock would be extreme. So extreme that Germany would probably be forced to adopt its own stimulus measures to boost consumer spending at home, further speeding growth in Southern Europe. A smaller German surplus and more inflation would result, but that's no disaster, even for Germans.
短期的ショックは猛烈なものになるでしょう。 Germany has got everything to gain from the euro surviving intact and everything to lose from its demise. For a much larger part of the eurozone economy, the opposite is true – how sustainable is that?
ドイツは、ユーロがこのままの状態で存続すれば得をしますし、崩壊すれば損をするわけです。 As the currency bloc fell apart there would be some short-term panic as the insolvency of banks, and some countries, was laid bare. But those self-same banks and countries are already insolvent, they're just being supported by the European Central Bank's emergency cash crutch. The current "save the euro" €1 trillion bail-out funds could just as easily be cast as a "save Europe" fund with exactly the same job of rescuing the zone's zombie banks but with the added prospect of economic growth, creating a quicker and more effective return to the black.
ユーロ圏が崩壊すれば、銀行や一部の国の支払い能力が欠落していることが明らかになって、若干の短期的パニックが起こるでしょう。 Stock markets won't rally until the unsustainable becomes, well, unsustainable, and a split begins. The same happened on Black Wednesday in 1992 when the UK left the ERM. Once Norman Lamont raised interest rates a second time in one day, to 15pc, the markets realised the game was up and far from falling, they started rising.
持続不可能が…えーと…持続不可能になって崩壊が始まるまで、株式市場が上昇することはないでしょう。 PR |
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