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2011 10,22 17:00 |
EU bank failures will crash Wall Street ― again
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EU bank failures will crash Wall Street ― again
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Worst-case scenario’s closing fast: Occupy Wall Street growing. But no political power or allies yet. Feared yes, attacked by GOP proxy tea party. Soon the Occupation will explode into a new American Revolution.
When? A string of European bank collapses is dead ahead. And like the Arab Spring, they will trigger an economic disaster for American banks.
Yes, coming soon says Martin Weiss in his “7 Major Advance Warnings,” which is “bound to have a life-changing impact on nearly all investors in the U.S. and around the globe.” His new Weiss Ratings warnings are the “most important” in a 40-year career. The stress on Wall Street banks will force them back to Congress for more bailouts.
Warning eight: No new bailouts. That will push the economy into a deep recession.
Then what? New Glass-Steagall? Not enough. Tax the rich? Not enough. Perp walks? Not enough. Presidential commission? Useless promises. Occupy Wall Street will fail without a fundamental constitutional change. No compromise. Or Wall Street wins, again. We go back to the same free market, deregulated, too-greedy to-fail, conservative Reaganomics policies that have been destroying democracy for a generation.
All this was so obvious, so predictable. America is at a crossroads. Occupy Wall Street buildup has emerged as America’s last great hope to restore democracy. Last week when USA Today called the Occupiers a “ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others” hinting they’re a flash-in-the-pan “devoid of remedies,” I smiled, reminded of that famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware on Christmas 1776, leading what historians also called a “ragtag” Continental Army, surprising the British, and winning the Battle of Trenton.
America’s collective conscience wants true democracy restored
Yes, USA Today sees a “ragtag” army: No mission, no goals, no organization, no agenda, no leaders, and no staying power. Wrong. Look deeper: The Occupiers are the voice of America’s collective conscience demanding a return to our 1776 roots, to a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Our collective inner voice knows America’s moral compass is broken. We’ve become a government “of, by and for” special interests, the wealthiest 1%, Wall Street insiders, CEOs and Forbes-400 billionaires. It happened fast: In one generation the Super Rich grabbed “absolute power,” killing the middle class American dream.
Wall Street banks are already dismissing the Occupiers … planning bigger bonuses this year… lifting limits on their license to gamble Main Street deposits in the $600 trillion global derivatives casino … they already spend hundreds of millions lobbying every year … they’re convinced they can defeat the Occupiers with campaign donations in the back rooms of Congress … writing off the fight as another business expense … ultimately expecting the Occupiers will vanish into the cold winter months.
One citizen. One dollar. One vote. Anything less is failure
Warning: Don’t be fooled. Occupy Wall Street knows exactly want it wants. The tea party, GOP’s proxy, isn’t fooled. They feel threatened, counter-attacking, worried their role will be lost in the 2012 elections, fearful they’ll lose sway over Republicans, so they’ve got a smear campaign against Occupy Wall Street. Won’t work:
Amid all the noise surrounding Occupy Wall Street we hear their “one simple demand.” Missed by most outsiders, that demand echoes down through American history, first heard in 1776 in the Declaration of Independence. Earlier the Occupiers voiced their one simple demand:
“We demand that integrity be restored to our elections. One citizen. One dollar. One vote. Only citizens should make campaign contributions. Campaign contributions by citizens should not exceed $1 to any political candidate or party. Help us reclaim democracy.”
Yes, one simple demand: “Stop the monied corruption at the heart of our democracy.” That one simple demand echoed over and over. And no compromise when dealing with so fundamental a principle of democracy. Compromises the last generation surrendered America to Wall Street and the Super Rich. Compromise this principle again, and we all lose, destroy America. No compromise. Period.
Phase 2: EU bank collapse gives Occupiers new political power
The Occupiers Revolution enters a new phase soon: First Arab Spring rippled into American Fall. Next, EU bank collapses will ripple through Wall Street. For a long time we’ve been warning the 2008 meltdown never ran its course, foiled by mega-bailouts … bankers never shared the sacrifice … fought all reforms … are back to business-as-usual … learned no lessons … now even more delusional, expecting bigger bonuses … trapped in denial for three years … cannot see what’s ahead … a perfect setup for a bigger crash.
That’s why my eye locked on Martin Weiss’ “7 Major Advance Warnings.” Weiss has been a champion of the little guy for 40 years, author of “The Ultimate Money Guide for Bubbles, Busts, Recession and Depression.” Weiss Ratings of domestic and foreign debt markets downgraded U.S. debt before the S&P.
Both of us were warning well in advance of the 2008 crash. It was so predictable: Weiss warned of “failure of Bear Stearns Lehman, Washington Mutual, near-failure of Citigroup and the demise of Fannie Mae years before it collapsed.”
So listen closely to his “7 Major Advance Warnings,” which are “the most important in the 40-year history of my company.” Many will dismiss them, distracted by today’s campaign noise. Others will dismiss them as “over there,” problems for Europeans. Weiss warns: EU banks problems are “bound to have a life-changing impact on nearly all investors in the U.S. and around the globe.”
So listen and discount what Wall Street is selling you. Protect your portfolio. Here are edited highlights:
1. Greece will default very soon ...
2. The contagion of fear will spread …
3. European megabanks will collapse …
4. EU governments suffer new credit rating downgrades ...
5. Spain and Italy next to face default on their massive debts ...
6. Global debt markets will suffer a critical meltdown ...
7. Vicious cycle: sovereign defaults, bank failures, global depression ...
Warning to investors: No bank bailouts, power to Occupation
History inevitably repeats itself: Arab Spring triggered Wall Street Fall. Next, the raging European monetary collapse will ripple through America’s banking system, completing the 2008 meltdown that never ended because Wall Street fought all reforms.
But now, a bigger meltdown as history repeats a dangerous cycle like the 1929 Crash and Great Depression.
History will also deal a fatal blow to Wall Street. Weiss adds a key warning: No bank bailouts. America’s banking system is bankrupt, structurally and morally. Washington is broken. And thanks to the Occupiers Revolution the masses will never accept new bank bailouts. Never. They’ll toss politicians and overthrow government first.
No new bailouts will be the stake in the heart of Wall Street, ending the “greed is good” power of America’s “bloodsucking vampire squid,” handing the Occupiers new political power in Washington.
Weiss’s worst-case scenario highlights everything we’ve both been warning investors about for a long time. The 2008 meltdown never ended, lessons never learned. But now the end game is accelerating.
Listen closely: Weiss final warning to all investors: “Get all or most of your money out of danger immediately … above all, stay safe!” Prepare for the coming bank collapse. And discover how this historic scenario will empower the Occupiers message to get money out of elections: “One citizen. One dollar. One vote.”
Compromise on that principle and Wall Street wins, again. |
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関汽交通労組はハラスメントに対応しろ! ● 自分はいったい、どんな悪いことをしたのだろう・・・ ● 仕事がうまくこなせず叱られてばかり、自分はダメな人間だと思ってしまう ● なぜ上司はあんなに酷いことを平気でするのだろう? もしあなたがこんな感じで、職場の人間関係で辛くなってしまっているとしたら、それはモラル・ハラスメントが原因かもしれません。 職場のモラル・ハラスメントとは、静かに・じわじわと・陰湿に行われる精神的ないじめ・嫌がらせです。大人げない態度や、きつい言い方であっても、一見、指導などの形態でなされるモラル・ハラスメント。 周囲はもちろん、言われている本人も、それが 「ハラスメント」とは気づかず、その本人自身が 悪いと感じていることがほとんどです。 あなたは、職場で下記のような言動で苦しんでいませんか? 言葉の例 ●人格・能力を否定する言葉を使う (例:「生きている価値がない」「何をやってもダメなヤツだ!」) ●コンプレックスを持っている弱点・欠点をあげつらう (例:「デブ」、「ハゲ」、「メタボ」) ●聞こえよがしに嫌味を言う (例:「自分の仕事もできないのに、人の世話を焼いているヤツがいるよ」) ●家族を非難する (例:「おまえの親なら、どうせろくでなしだろう」) ●退職を促す (例:「イヤだったら、いつでも辞めていいぞ」「まだ会社にいる気か?」) 態度の例 ●罵声をあびせる ●あいさつや会話をしない(無視) ●肩を突く、胸ぐらをつかむ ●目の前でヒソヒソ話をする ●舌打ち・鼻を鳴らす ●執拗な注意・叱責をする ●悪い噂を流す ●仕事を取り上げる、新しい仕事を与えない ●不正行為を強要する 【2011/10/2419:07】||善野#7f4caf248f[ EDIT? ]
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