2025 01,30 06:47 |
2010 08,14 12:00 |
This week’s plunge in U.S. stocks triggered a technical indicator known as the Hindenburg Omen that may signal a more severe selloff, according to analysts who follow charts to predict market moves. The market signal, named for a German zeppelin that caught fire and crashed more than seven decades ago, occurs when an unusually high number of companies in the New York Stock Exchange reach 52-week highs and lows. The indicator last occurred in October 2008, according to UBS AG. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index yesterday completed the biggest three-day decline since July 1, after an unexpected increase in unemployment claims added to evidence an economic recovery is weakening. The benchmark gauge for U.S. stocks has dropped 3.4 percent so far this week as Federal Reserve policy makers said growth “is likely to be more modest” than they previously forecast. The indicator may suggest “a savage equity downturn is imminent,” said Albert Edwards, a London-based strategist at Societe Generale SA, who has told investors to favor bonds over stocks for more than a decade. “Equities are tottering on the edge as increasingly recessionary data becomes apparent. It would not take much to tip them over that edge.” The Hindenburg signal was triggered yesterday as the proportion of stocks reaching new one-year highs and lows both exceeded 2.2 percent of the total listed on the NYSE, according to Michael Riesner, a technical analyst at UBS in Zurich. Rising Market The number of stocks at a 52-week high must not be more than twice the number marking lows, the technical theory also says, according to analysts. The indicator is only valid in a rising market, as defined by the NYSE Composite Index’s rolling average value in the last 10 weeks. It must also occur when the NYSE McClellan Oscillator, a measure of market momentum, is negative. The Hindenburg Omen must be confirmed with a second occurrence within 36 days, according to Riesner. He said the signal occurred seven times in 2008 as the S&P 500 posted its biggest annual drop since the Great Depression. “It’s an interesting name but what you really have as a technical background is a classic distribution phase in the market,” Riesner said. “It’s the classic tug of war between bulls and bears that you have there.” In technical analysis, investors and analysts study charts of trading patterns and prices to predict changes in a security, commodity, currency or index. UBS is ranked as the top bank for equity technical analysis and charting according to a 2010 Thomson Extel survey. To contact the reporter on this story: Alexis Xydias in London 上記内容は下記サイト「excite翻訳」にて翻訳の上お読み下さいませ。 Hindenburg Omen 興味のある方は、"つづきはこちらです"をクリック!
8月10日には惑星直列があり、そしてその日は新月でしたよね。 太陽の光は善のエネルギーを持ち、宇宙の暗黒は悪のエネルギーを持つと そして、地獄の扉が開かれたのである。
何やら8月12日に、5つの条件が全て揃って、 ・・・って方々の為に、
1、ニューヨーク証券取引所(NYSE;New York Stock Exchange)において、 2、この2つの数字うち、小さい方が75より大きい(絶対条件ではない) 3、ニューヨーク証券取引所の10週移動平均線が上昇している 4、同日にマクレラン・オシレータが負数を示している 5、52週最高値数が、52週最安値数の2倍を越えないこと(絶対条件)
・パニック売りの確率は41%、主要銘柄は24%の確率で暴落する。 ・ヒンデンブルグオーメンの発生によって必ず株式暴落が発生するわけでは ・・・で、例えば、一昨年のリーマン・ショック前にも
ルービン元財務長官ら、米国の相続税再導入を要求 上記でも書いたんだけれども、 ・・・で、1949年にロスチャイルド家パリ分家の当主が亡くなった当日、 当日の終値で相続税が算定されるために一族がこれらの株を 米国は相続税0%でも他国は違うし、まして米国での相続税0%は今年限りと 蟻ならまだマシなほうかぁ~・・・・・
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